Our complimentary 60-minute seminars are a helpful refresher for all spa owners and a great crash course for new hot tub + swim spa owners.
Join your local St.Lawrence Pool spa experts alongside Mike Corrigan, from BioGuard Canada, to learn how to keep your spa water balanced, clear, and safe to ensure each spa experience is perfect. Plus, additional education on basic maintenance, FAQs and new spa services.
At St. Lawrence Pools, we get it– maintaining your new pool or spa can be a little overwhelming a times.
That is why we are committed to educating and empowering our clients with knowledge to ensure you get the best experience from your pool or spa. Plus, when you treat them with the love and care (and science) they need, you will maximize the lifespan of pool/ spa, saving you money in the long run
Each season, we invite you to join us for one of our many complimentary seminars where you will be sent home armed with expertise knowledge on your pool or spa, and maybe even a few prizes! These seminars are hosted by industry experts and our local experts in the field. Each seminar varies in time, but please set aside 60-75 minutes.
If you cannot attend one of our complimentary seminars, please visit with one of our water experts in store or contact our service coordinators, who are real live humans, who are happy to help.
Service email: service1@stlawrencepools.ca