To help us best understand your garden’s needs and provide a personalized design, please include as much information as possible. Once we have received your completed form and photos, a design fee will be determined. You can expect to receive a design fee quote within a week; fees are due before the creative process is initiated. If you require any additional assistance, please feel free to contact us at 613-389-3333. We look forward to helping you design, build, and maintain your dream garden.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 6 files.
Not ImportantSomewhat ImportantImportantExtremely Important
Easy to maintain
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Extremely Important
Native, pollinator garden
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Extremely Important
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Extremely Important
Year-round interest
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Extremely Important
Child and pet-friendly
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Extremely Important
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Extremely Important

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